Custom icon missing Catalogue file entry not found for extent Directory name locked Invalid BTree Header Invalid file clump size Invalid file name Missing folder detected File thread flag not set in file rec Nesting of folders has exceeded the recommended limit of 100 on this volume, and the Finder may have problems working with this disk Invalid extent file PEOF Invalid catalogue PEOF Invalid volume file count Invalid volume directory count Invalid root file count Invalid root directory count Loop in directory hierarchy Invalid catalogue record length Invalid parent CName in thread record Invalid key for thread record Missing directory record Missing thread record Missing thread record for root dir Invalid file record length Invalid thread record length Invalid directory record length Invalid catalogue record type Exceeded maximum BTree depth Invalid header node Invalid map node Keys out of order Invalid key length Invalid map node linkage Overlapped node allocation Invalid node structure Invalid sibling link Invalid index link Invalid index key Invalid record count Invalid node type Invalid root node number BT map too short during repair Invalid BTH length Overlapped extent allocation Invalid extent entry Invalid allocation block start Invalid VBM start block Invalid number of allocation blocks Invalid allocation block size Missing file record for file thread Invalid node height Invalid CName Invalid directory valence Invalid LEOF Invalid PEOF